What is Social Impact Network?

Social Impact Network is a blockchain-based impact investment platform. The ecosystem connects impact investors and impact projects in frontier countries, offering green loan rates to borrowers and above-average returns to investors due to blockchain technologies integration.

SI Pools are decentralized climate funds that enable green loans to borrowers and competitive returns to impact investors. SI Pools offer a more flexible, sustainable, and transparent way of impact investing, while providing higher returns than in the traditional market.

SI Vaults are DeFi yield compounders. SI Vaults offer regular DeFI investors a market-first opportunity to add verifiable social impact on high-return DeFi investments. By using SI Vaults, regular DeFi investors make a positive contribution to our society while still receiving DeFi-standard high returns.

SI Governance enables participation in the project selection process, rewards good voting decisions, and manages risk mitigation.

What are impact investments?

Impact investments are investments in assets, projects, funds, or organizations with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns.

The growing impact investment market addresses the world's most pressing challenges in sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, conservation, microfinance, and affordable and accessible basic services, including housing, healthcare, and education.

However, there is no precise definition of "positive social impact", which leaves the door open for organizations to receive impact investments without making a measurable positive social impact (see Greenwashing). Social Impact Network solves this problem through blockchain technology, making positive social impact transparent and verifiable.

What are SI Network's protocols?

Social Impact Networks consists of three protocols: SI Pools for traditional impact investors to receive the benefits of DeFi; SI Vaults for regular DeFi investors who want to create a positive impact with the use of DeFi lending and farming opportunities; SI Governance for managing the selection process and risk mitigation of projects for SI Pools.



SI Pools

  • Fully flexible (tradable 24/7)

  • Verifiable social impact

  • Fully transparent

  • High yields

  • Based on real-world assets with social impact

SI Vaults

  • High yields

  • Creating real-world impact

  • Based on DeFi lending and farming protocols

SI Governance

  • Projects selection for SI Pools

  • Rewards distribution for good project selection

  • Risk mitigation

View Roadmap for further developments of the Social Impact Network (e.g. CO2 certificate trading).

How does your investment create an impact?



SI Pools

Your provided liquidity is used for real-world assets with measurable social impact (e.g. CO2 offset)

SI Vaults

A part of your profit is going to SI Treasury. From the SI Treasury, one part is further distributed to SI Pools and another part is used for the development and growth of the Social Impact Network

SI Governance

You are involved in the selection of real-world projects that would be implemented

How is the impact of your liquidity measured?

Each SI Pool maintains tailored parameters and systems for measuring impact. Tailored parameters are tracked and stored in smart contracts. For the Sunny pool, your liquidity will be linked to the energy produced and achieved CO2 offset.

Who decides which real-world projects are selected for funding?

Projects are selected via SI Governance, where every SI Token holder can participate. As a SI Token holder you can actively participate in SI Governance by direct voting or delegation of your voting power to experts.

Where can I see the details of the implemented real-world projects?

Full details of the implemented real-world projects are displayed on the project list page of the specific SI Pool.

Last updated