SI Token

SI Token is the governance token of SI Network. SI Token holders decide on important decisions within SI Network. In addition, SI Tokens are used to incentivize behavior that is beneficial to SI Network (e.g. use of SI Vaults, liquidity mining program, participation in governance). SI Tokens are intended to represent the growth of the entire Social Impact Network.

Max Supply

Max supply of SI Token is Token.

SI Tokens are distributed as follows:



Strategic Sale


Private Sale


Public Sale


Advisors and Future Team




Community Rewards


Ecosystem Reserve


The Ecosystem Reserve will be used as a reserve for future products of SI Network (e.g. providing community rewards).

Vesting Period

  • Public sale tokens are not vested.

  • Private Sale Tokens are vested for a period of 13 months, with an initial unlock of 10% at TGE and a monthly unlock of 7.5% (beginning at TGE + 1 month)

  • Strategic Sale Tokens are vested for a period of 14 months, with an initial unlock of 5% at TGE and a monthly unlock of 7.5% (beginning at TGE + 1 month)

  • Team Tokens are vested for a period of 46 months, with a 12 months cliff and 8,3% unlocked each quartal

  • Advisor & Fute Team Tokens are vested for a period of 46 months, with a 12 months cliff and 8,3% unlocked each quartal

  • Community Reward Tokens are vested for a period of 40 months, with an initial unlock of 5% at TGE and a monthly unlock of 5% within the first year (beginning at TGE + 1 month), monthly 2% within the second year, monthly 1% within the third and the fourth year.

  • Ecosystem Reserve Tokens are vested for a period of 5 years, with 18 months cliff and 2.4% unlocked each month

The initial token circulation at TGE will be 124.000.000 SI Token (12.40%). Full Token supply will be reached 60 months after TGE.


SI Token is used for the following use cases:

  1. Receiving fees from SI Vaults, SI Pools and future products of Social Impact Network

  2. Social Impact Network governance

Fees from SI Vaults are exchanged to SI Tokens and forwarded to the Treasury. Partner governance tokens might not be exchanged. See Treasury for more information.

Community Rewards

Community Rewards will be used to incentivize the use SI Network.

Community Rewards are typically allocated to the following actions:

  1. Staking and voting on Social Impact Network, which rewards participation in SI Governance to insure SI Pools and encourage good project selection.

  2. Borrowing and onboarding of projects, which rewards performing due diligence on borrowers and encourages the onboarding of high-quality projects.

  3. Providing liquidity on PancakeSwap for the pairs BNB/SIT and SIT/SUNNY. Liquidity Providers (LPs) are typically rewarded with a share of the transaction fees collected on the pair they’re supporting, and may sometimes enjoy farming incentives offered by SI Core Vaults.

  4. Social Impact Network governance, which requires SI Token votes to enact protocol-level changes, as well as allowing Social Impact Network actions such as providing grants from SI Treasury.

Last updated